.. 準時上課Do show up for class on time.
.. 禁止攜帶行動電話至教室Do not bring cell phone to class.
.. 教室禁止攜帶飲食及嚼口香糖Do not chew gum in class.
.. 瑜珈不是競賽運動Remember Yoga is not a competition.
.. 參與適合您的課程Attend a class appropriate for you.
.. 為了您的安全,如有心臟相關疾病禁止參與熱瑜珈課程Do not practice Hot Yoga if you have a problem with your heart.
.. 歡迎上課中隨時請教老師您的問題Do feel free to ask the teacher questions.
.. 請不要做您感覺不舒適的動作Do not do what doesn’t feel good to you.
.. 如果您感到不舒適,請告知老師,老師提供替代動作的指導 Teachers give adjustments in postures, if you are not comfortable with that tell the teacher.
.. 請著輕便及容易移動身體姿勢的服飾 Do wear clothing that is light and easy to move in.
.. 上課前請勿噴香水(因為練習流汗時會影響其他學員反感或過敏) Try not to wear perfume to class as when you sweat it may affect other students(allergies).
.. 可攜帶個人瑜珈墊It’s ok to bring your own mat.
.. 對於初學者,建議您二至三堂一星期 For beginners it is recommended to attend 2-3 classes per week.
.. 建議您提早五至十分鐘並做安靜地做暖身 It is recommended to show up 5-10 minutes early for class and warm up in silence.
.. 記得 ! 瑜珈應該是又趣的,如您感受不到有趣,表示您未做到正確方法Remember Yoga is fun, if you are not having fun, you’re not doing it the right way!
.. 除毛巾外(如果您需要的話,可帶一瓶飲水),其他請勿攜入教室 It is advisable to bring a towel to class and a water bottle if you need one, nothing else is necessary!!
.. 尊重您自己的身體極限Respect your limits!!
.. 尊重其他學員Respect your fellow students!!
.. 尊重老師Respect your teacher!!
.. 請不要輕易放棄Don’t give up!!!